About me

Student at Coventry University Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity MSci (Hons) and
Junior Security Engineer at CyberSift

I am a young Cyber Security enthusiast and student. I am highly interested in Networking, Programming, Vulnerability Analysing, Web Hacking, etc. I have gained my experience through many pieces of research related to CTFs, course work, a better understanding of my university modules. Other contributing factors are personal interest and hunger for new knowledge.

I have been interested in the technology field since I started learning programming in C++ in high school. However, my interest in cybersecurity began after I read the book "The Anonymous. Remember the 5th of November" by Edouard Brasey. Since then, I have been learning more and more about Penetration Testing, Cyber Security Analysis, etc.



One of the best methods of learning and practising cybersecurity for me are CTFs.

Most of the time, I use platforms like Hack The Box (HTB), TryHackMe (THM) and VulnHub. But I am also interested in Blue Team CTF platforms like BlueTimeCTF. Furthermore, I have had participated in a couple of CTFtime events.



Gaining professional experience is one of the great excitements for me.

My professional technical experience is in networking, network maintaining, system monitoring and server maintaining. However, I am heavily interested in gaining more experience in "red teaming" and penetration testing.


My best skills

Without any doubt, my best skill is my willingness for new knowledge.


Linux is my OS of choice. I have three years of experience with different distributions.


GIT is a tool that I use for every project of mine. Some of the best usages of GIT that I mastered are mobility, teamworking and project management.


I have near four years of experience in scripting and programming with Python.


The terminal is one of the prime tools that I am using for all kind of work. Through the years of Linux usage, I learned to "live" there.


I gained my base experience in networking through the period in EniWARE. Furthermore, now I am working on CCNA by my CISCO course at Coventry University.

Time management

One of the most useful skills that I developed during my high school years and still improving is time management.